Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chevron (Arrow) Tutorial

This is a tutorial on how to make the chevron. The chevron is basically two candy stripes joined together, so make sure you know how to make the candy stripe. (my candy stripe tutorial) For this bracelet you will always need an even number of strings.

Eight pieces of embroidery floss in four colors. The colors I will be using will be orange, blue, pink and green.

Step 1 
Tie an overhand knot at the top and set up your strings in this order.
o, b, p, g, g, p, b, o

Step 2
Take the orange string on the left side and make fk over the left blue, pink and green strings.

Step 3
Take the orange string on the right side and make bk over the right blue, pink and green strings. The two orange strings should now be in the middle.

Step 4
Join the orange strings by making a fk. Your order should now be b, p, g, o, o, g, p, b

Step 5
Take the blue string on the left side and make fk over the left  pink, green and orange strings.

Step 6

Take the blue string on the right side and make bk over the right pink, green and orange strings. The two blue strings should now be in the middle.

Step 7
Join the blue strings by making a fk.Your order should now be p, g, o, b, b, o, g, p

Step 8 
Continue steps 1-7 until your bracelet is the desired legnth. Tie an overhand knot at the end and you are now ready to wear your bracelet! 

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