Two colours of embroidery floss, four strings of each color. I'll be using red and blue for this tutorial. It is best to use colours that contrast each other so the hearts stand out.
Step 1
Set up your strings like a chevron bracelet. My set up will be r,b,r,b,b,r,b,r. (r=red; b=blue)
Whatever color is the outmost color will be the color if the heart. So for this tutorial, red is the heart color and blue is the backround color.
Step 2
Take the outermost red string on the left side and make three forward knots.
Now take the outermost red string on the right side and make three backward knots.
Now join the middle strings.
Step 3
Repeat Step 2 again except use the outermost blue strings instead of red.
Step 4
Now take the outermost blue string on the left side and make a backward knot.
Now take the outermost blue string on the right side and make a forward knot.
Step 5
Take the outermost red string on the left side and make two forward knots.
Now take the outermost red string on the right side and make two backward knots, then join the middle
Step 6
Repeat Step 5&6 except it will be the opposite color. So if it was blue in Step 4&5 it will be red and if it was red it will be blue.
Step 7
Repeat Steps 2-6 until your bracelet is the desired length. When you repeat Step 2, you will be making the bottom of the heart.
I hope this tutorial explained to you how to make the heart bracelet. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.